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Disruptive Agile Delivery ★ Agile Coaching ♦ Keynoter â—† Helping Organizations To Be Agile

Talks about #okrs, #agiledelivery, #highperformance, #personalbranding, and #agiletransformation #scrummastering



As an agile strategist and an agile coach, Niroshan works with organizations to build  high performance through OKRs and agile strategies. As a speaker and a personal branding coach, his purpose is to educate and inspire you, spark discussion and motivate change through game-changing growth and agile strategies.


Niro is the co-founder of International OKR Alliance, dedicated organization for advocating and promoting OKRs globally and, the founder of Agile Great a training and consultancy company.


Niro currently works as the head of projects at Vetstoria, a UK based agile - Technology company. Working in highly diverse cultures over the twelve years, in global corporate giants such as Pearson, HSBC and fast-growing tech Netherlands scale-ups, he brings expertise to companies who are looking for effective agile delivery and agile transformation strategy, product development and high performance.

My Photos

You may find some of my professional photos below. Feel free to hand-pick and use any one of them for your publication. 

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